Google. Apple. Coca-Cola. What comes to mind when you hear these words? For Apple, you probably think of technological innovation and...Read More
The Waterbury Green in Waterbury, CT is a lively hub for public transit in the heart of the City and is surrounded by popular everyday destinations for... Read More
Hartford, CT — FHI Studio, a mobility, engagement, planning, and design consulting firm in Connecticut and New York, has joined IMEG, a 2,800-person national firm with 95 offices across the country. Read More
Earlier this summer, FHI Studio had the pleasure of conducting Norwalk’s first-ever Complete Streets demonstration project. This initiative is part of the broader Norwalk Complete Streets Policy and Design Manual, aimed at creating a network of streets that are safe and accessible for all users. Read More
FHI Studio is thrilled to be the Connecticut Department of Transportation's (CTDOT) prime consultant on their most recent Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Non-Infrastructure Program contract. FHI Studio staff will develop and implement a comprehensive program to meet the following goals over the course of next three years: Read More
In collaboration with RKG Associates, FHI Studio is excited to be part of shaping the future of Westborough's downtown area. Recently, we had the privilege of presenting findings and preliminary recommendations at a public workshop, where community members joined us in envisioning potential improvements for the Downtown. Read More